The role of the emergency loan contact is usually to enable the lending institution to get in touch with the lender at any time through the contact person. After all, many lenders will choose not to repay their loans and lose contact. As long as the emergency contact person is provided, the lending institution can get the new contact information of the lender from the emergency contact person and ask him to convey the repayment notice. Under normal circumstances, the emergency contact's provident fund will not be checked. Unless the emergency contact has another guarantor who is a lender, the emergency contact's provident fund will be checked during the provident fund loan process, because only the emergency contact pays the provident fund can the balance be used to repay the lender. Moreover, the emergency contact person who is the guarantor will be required not to have outstanding provident fund loans.
If you are only a contact person, you are not responsible for the lender's provident fund loan. But if you are both an emergency contact and a guarantor, you must be responsible to the lender. After all, the guarantor of the provident fund loan is generally a joint and several liability guarantee, which requires the willingness and responsibility to repay the provident fund loan for the lender. Moreover, the lender's provident fund loan will be regarded as the emergency debt of the contact person, and the credit report shows that the lender's provident fund repayment status will directly affect the credit status of the emergency contact person.