You can borrow money. If you can't meet the requirements, the guarantee company will guarantee for you, which will undoubtedly increase your credit. The reasons are as follows,
First, personal credit information is not good, and it is really difficult to apply for loans through banks or other financial institutions. If the credit investigation is only overdue, then there is indeed a need to borrow funds at this time, and sufficient mortgage or guarantee can be found. If the credit information is ugly and blacklisted by the bank, it is not feasible to find a guarantee company, and it will also be rejected.
Second, in the case of poor credit information, looking for a guarantee company will definitely charge a high guarantee fee, and the guarantee company will carefully review your qualifications. Because bad credit information may lead to default, it is normal to charge good fees.
Third, when looking for a guarantee company, you must look for a formal institution. If the other party wants too much money and is sued by various kinds, it proves that the business of this guarantee company is not standardized, and it is best to seek other talents.