You can change lenders after taking the car loan. Under normal circumstances, a car loan can change the borrower, but it depends on which lending institution the lender applies for a car loan. If the lender is handling a bank loan, it is necessary to go to the counter of the bank to consult the borrower's change. After the bank agrees, apply to the counter for borrower change, and then fill in the relevant information of borrower change; If you apply for a loan in an auto financing company, you must first apply to the staff of the auto financing company to change the borrower. The process of changing borrowers is not complicated. When handling a car loan in a bank, the original lender needs to bring sfz, loan contract and other relevant information to the bank outlet to fill in the borrower's change information, and the latter borrowers need to go to the counter to conduct face-to-face transactions together, which is equivalent to transferring the car to another person, and the subsequent loan is also borne by that person. The process of changing borrowers of auto financing companies is similar to that of banks, but it should be noted that the lender's permission must be obtained in advance. If the lender does not allow it, it is impossible to change the borrower.
legal ground
Article 543 of the Civil Code of People's Republic of China (PRC)
If the parties reach an agreement through consultation, the contract may be changed.
Article 556 of the Civil Code of People's Republic of China (PRC).
Where the contractual rights and obligations are transferred together, the relevant provisions on the transfer of creditor's rights and debts shall apply.
Article 555 of the Civil Code of People's Republic of China (PRC).
With the consent of the other party, one party may transfer its rights and obligations in the contract to a third party.