A loan to buy a house is still considered a first-time loan. If there is no bad credit record, most banks can offer a discount of 15% off, which is still very beneficial to buying a house.
Commercial loan interest rates are as follows:
First loan: 4.9, and most banks can offer a 15% discount;
Second loan: 5.39 (the base interest rate is increased by 10);
Three loans: All banks do not approve loans.
Explanation of terms:
1. First mortgage: It is based on the family (husband and wife and minor children), and there is no outstanding loan record under the name.
2. Second loan: It is a family unit (husband and wife and minor children), and there is a set of outstanding loan records under their name.
3. Third loan: Taking the family as a unit (husband and wife and minor children), there are two sets of outstanding loan records under the name.