If the money in the bank card is missing, you can go to the bank and ask the staff for the bank card details to know where the funds are. The bank will have specific records of every fund transfer in and out of the bank card. As long as you check the bank card details, you can know why the money in the card is missing. In fact, if the user signs a withholding agreement with other institutions, then the money in the bank card will be directly deducted at the specified time.
In addition to checking bank card details, users can also check whether the bank card has signed a withholding agreement, so that they can know why money is being deducted from the bank card inexplicably.
There may be the following reasons:
1. Automatic deduction for banking services
After the money in the bank card disappears, you can go to the bank website or go directly to the bank Ask the staff to check the consumption details of the bank card. Sometimes it may be the bank's related deduction business, which automatically deducts the fee directly from the bank card. You can also check whether you have received relevant text messages. If so, it should be the bank deduction.
2. Loan business
If you have a loan business, or a business like Ant Huabei that requires repayment in the future, check whether you used it when you handled the business. That bank card, similar to the repayment business, will deduct the amount that needs to be repaid regularly. If it is not repaid in time, it may be deducted directly from the bank card.
3. Stolen
After completing the bank inquiry, if you find that the money was not spent by you, you should be careful whether the bank card password has been leaked, and you should freeze the bank card immediately. Avoid causing more losses. At the same time, you can call the police if necessary. If the amount stolen reaches the standard for filing a case, the police can come forward to investigate.
There are many reasons why a bank card is frozen. Users can unfreeze it according to the reason for freezing. Generally, the common reasons for being frozen are:
1. If it is a debit card due to entering the wrong password If it is frozen, the user needs to bring the original valid ID card and bank card to a bank branch to unfreeze it. When unfreezing, if the assets are less than 50,000, you can reset the password on the smart teller machine. If the balance in the card is greater than 50,000, you need to go to the counter in person.
2. If the debit card is frozen for judicial reasons or other reasons, it can only be unfrozen after fulfilling corresponding obligations. For example: you need to pay off other people's debts before they can be unfrozen.
3. If you have not used your debit card for a long time, causing the counter business to be frozen, you also need to go to the counter with a valid ID card and bank card.
4. The credit card is frozen and needs to be unfrozen. It may be due to illegal credit card use or cash-out behavior. Therefore, it is best to go to the bank counter and remove the corresponding reasons before using it. If you are blocked because you entered the wrong password, you still have to go to the counter.