How to repay student loans The repayment process of student loans is as follows:
1. Log on to Alipay computer, and then find the student loan repayment in the application center, and click;
2. Enter the borrower's Alipay account, ID number and verification code on the student loan repayment page, and click to query repayment information;
3. Query the repayment amount, confirm the repayment information and click Next;
4. Pay at the cashier and choose the payment method;
5. After payment, if the page shows successful repayment, the loan has been repaid successfully.
What is the interest on the student loan of 32,000 yuan? For example, loan students borrow 8,000 yuan a year and apply for student loans for four consecutive years. The total loan amount is 32,000 yuan, the loan term is seven years, and the loan interest rate is LPR minus 30 basis points. Then, referring to the LPR of 20 19 12, it is believed that the final loan interest rate in is 4.5%, and the interest after graduation is calculated.
The interest in the first year after graduation is 32,000 * 81day *4.5%/360=324 yuan, the interest in the second year after graduation is 32,000 * 4.5% = 1.440 yuan, and the interest in the third year is also1.440 yuan.
So the total interest for three years is 324+1440+1440 = 3204 yuan.