When buying a house loan, the choice of repayment is different, and the difference in interest will be greater. Matching principal and interest and average capital are two different repayment methods, and there is no certain advantage or disadvantage, depending on personal circumstances.
1. Equal repayment of principal and interest. The borrower repays the loan principal and interest in equal amount every month. If you choose this repayment method, the interest expense will be more in the early repayment period, and the principal repayment will be less, and then the returned principal will gradually increase with the gradual decrease of monthly interest expense.
However, because the monthly repayment amount is fixed, it can control the expenditure of family income in a planned way, and it is also convenient for each family to determine the repayment ability according to their own income.
2. Repay with average capital, that is, the borrower repays the same amount of loan principal every month, and the interest decreases month by month with the principal, and the monthly repayment amount also decreases month by month.
The repayment of average capital is relatively suitable for borrowers who have a certain economic foundation, can bear heavy repayment pressure in the early stage and have an early repayment plan.
However, from the perspective of saving interest, if the repayment period is the same, the repayment of equal principal will save loan interest.
The above is related to the monthly loan for buying a house, and I hope it will help everyone!