As for’s repayment issue, although there is some hope, a specific time frame has not been given. It can be expected that this process will not be fast. The official has not released the latest news, so the actual situation of the refund is still unclear. However, the recovered funds and fines are expected to be returned to investors after deducting necessary fees.
In the process of dealing with debts, will go through several stages. First, there is the so-called "moderate period," which usually lasts no longer than a week. During this period, the collection staff will use a gentler attitude to remind the borrower to repay the loan as soon as possible, and may inform possible follow-up measures, such as contacting other people in the address book.
Then it enters the "collection escalation period", which lasts about two weeks. At this stage, collection methods will be intensified, such as calling the borrower's address book and sending group text messages to exert pressure to urge the borrower to repay the loan.
Finally, collection efforts reach their peak, usually two weeks after the borrower is overdue, and collectors may use more aggressive tactics, such as group sexting, abuse, and intimidation, with the intention of putting the borrower in trouble. This stage is undoubtedly very challenging for borrowers.
In short, although’s repayment time has not yet been determined, the platform has provided a rough reference at different stages in the collection process. Investors need to remain patient and pay close attention to the platform’s official announcements.