If the customer has too many loans, it is recommended to sort out the due repayment dates of each loan first, and then find ways to pay off the loans that are about to expire quickly to avoid overdue payments.
If it is already overdue, it is recommended that the customer pay the large amount first and then the small amount. Because if you keep a large amount and pay it back later, the penalty interest will be higher. If it is a small amount, the penalty interest will be smaller. Of course, it is best for customers who can afford it to pay off the entire amount at once.
If the customer really can't repay the loan, he or she can proactively contact the customer service of each lending institution/platform for negotiation, explain that the individual does not have the ability to repay the loan, and then express his/her willingness to actively repay the loan before trying again. Submit an application to extend the repayment period and repay the debt in installments.