Generally speaking, the amount of a bank loan is determined based on the borrower's personal credit, repayment ability, loan purpose, and loan form. The specific situation is as follows:
1. Personal credit The amount of bank loans is closely related to the borrower’s credit level. If the borrower's overall credit is good enough. Then the loan amount is often not low. If the borrower's credit report is stained, the bank will most likely reject the loan.
2. Repayment Ability: The amount of bank loans is also directly related to the borrower's repayment ability. Under normal circumstances, banks will require borrowers' monthly repayments not to exceed 50% of their monthly income. In addition, the borrower's current debt situation is also an important factor affecting the repayment ability.
3. Loan purpose Another factor that affects the amount of bank loans is the loan purpose. According to bank loan amount regulations, the amount of a home loan cannot exceed 70% of the total price of the house, and the amount of a car loan cannot exceed 20% of the total price of the car.
4. Loan forms Generally speaking, the amount of bank pure credit loans will be relatively small, while the amount of mortgage loans and pledge loans will be relatively large. The higher the value of the collateral and pledge, the higher the loan the borrower can obtain. The above has introduced to you how the bank loan amount is stipulated. I hope it will be helpful to friends who need to apply for a loan. Generally speaking, determining the amount of a bank loan is relatively complicated.