If the bank can't pay back the money after suing, it's best to explain clearly your personal situation, explain that you didn't intentionally fail to pay back, but that you didn't have the ability to repay, and provide relevant information to prove (such as unemployment certificate), and then discuss with the bank a new repayment plan, so that customers can try to apply for an extension of the repayment period and repay the arrears in installments.
Don't delay repayment after the mortgage is overdue. At this time, you should take the initiative to contact the bank and negotiate with the bank to reach an extension, so as to avoid overdue and personal credit loss. After all, after the deadline, the bank will upload the overdue records to the credit information center, which will lead to poor personal credit information and affect the handling of subsequent loans.
In fact, most banks will give a certain grace period when they repay their mortgages, and they can repay them during the grace period. If the mortgage is not repaid for a long time, the bank will collect it at this time. The common collection method is to call the borrower and will always urge the user to return it.
In fact, when the mortgage can't be returned on time, users can borrow money from friends temporarily, which can avoid overdue, but they should return it to friends in time in the future. And you can't always borrow money from friends for emergencies. Too many times will cause others' disgust.
Finally, when handling the mortgage, you should choose the repayment method that suits you, which can effectively avoid the overdue mortgage. Generally, there are two repayment methods: equal principal and interest and average capital, in which the equal principal and interest have lower income requirements for the repayment, while the average capital requirements are higher. After handling the mortgage, the user can return it in advance, saving interest.