Once the loan is approved, the lending institution will inform you to sign a loan contract. Everyone must pay attention to the details to see whether the loan type, loan purpose, amount, interest rate, loan term, repayment method, rights and obligations of both borrowers and borrowers, liability for breach of contract and other matters that both parties think need to be agreed upon are correct. The guaranteed loan shall be signed by the guarantor and the lender. Mortgage and pledge loans need to be signed. Where registration is required, it shall be registered according to law. Online loans and mobile phone loans have signed electronic contracts at the time of application, just waiting for the money to arrive.
Moreover, the car purchase contract says that if the financial loan is not approved, we will negotiate to buy the car in full or find a bank loan. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, because the financial loan cannot be approved, can I ask for a full refund of the 500 yuan deposit? After the preliminary examination, the bank will provide you with a car loan. The term of car loan can be negotiated with the bank. After determining the deadline, you need to sign a car loan mortgage contract with the bank in duplicate, one for the bank and one for you. In addition, you need to sign a car sales contract with the car dealer in triplicate, one for the bank, one for the car dealer and one for you.
In addition, the required procedures:
Personal valid identity documents;
Proof of household registration or long-term residence (proof of residence can be provided, such as utilities, telephone charges, etc.). );
Personal income certificate, and provide family income or property certificate when necessary;
Work certificate of current unit.
Marriage certificate and spouse ID card (unmarried spouse materials and marriage certificate are not required, but divorce certificate or divorce agreement is required).
Car purchase agreement, contract or letter of intent signed with the dealer (both new and used cars can be issued).
Finally, you can repay the loan in advance. After paying off the car loan, the borrower must go to the vehicle management office to cancel the mortgage registration and get back the car property certificate, so that the car really belongs to the owner. When going through the formalities of canceling mortgage registration, the process of repaying the loan in advance: according to the regulations of the bank, customers who repay the loan in advance need to submit a written application one week to one month in advance to agree on the repayment date; Then according to the agreed date, just bring your ID card.