2. Wage loan. Many banks have this kind of loan, which is very suitable for office workers. As long as they have a stable income, they can basically get loans. Although the amount is not high, it is convenient and fast, and the collection speed is fast. Under normal circumstances, the monthly salary can be 6- 15 times, and some banks can grant it to customers with better conditions about 15 times.
3. Policy loans. If you buy a policy with cash value, you can apply for this kind of loan. Some insurance companies only need customers to bring their ID cards and insurance policies, and most of the interest is between 8%- 1.5% per month.
4. Credit card loan. Small partners with credit cards under their names can apply for cash loans as long as they have enough credit and good credit. The loan amount is generally about 50% of the credit card, and the next payment is fast.