When making a loan, the bank will evaluate it according to the information you provide, such as work certificate, salary card, credit information, debt status, etc. , and does not meet the conditions of bank loans, and the comprehensive evaluation is insufficient. The comprehensive score of the loan includes the following items.
1: Real name authentication
No matter what kind of platform, you must have your real name. Generally speaking, you must fill in the ID number, upload the front and back of the ID card, and hold a photo of the ID card. Generally, there is no problem in this place.
2. real-name registration system mobile phone number
Platforms are generally registered with their own mobile phone numbers. Now most mobile phone numbers need real-name authentication. Of course, you are also eligible to apply for real-name authentication such as loans and credit cards. But pay attention to the problem of address book. Many platforms need to identify address books. If they don't agree, many platforms will refuse, but if they agree, the address book may explode when it expires.
3. Certified operators
Certified operator is a platform to check your mobile phone number consumption records, such as courses, calls, third-party fees, etc. To judge your qualifications.