Generally speaking, when choosing a lending institution, it is necessary to meet its loan requirements and conditions. The difference between banks and Mpower financing is that banks usually provide traditional loan services and require applicants to have stable income and good credit records. Mpower Financing is a service organization that provides student loans for international students, and mainly reviews the academic performance and language performance of applicants. The loan amount provided by Mpower Financing is relatively small, with a maximum of $65.438 billion+one million, but no guarantee is required. In addition, Mpower Financing also provides some additional services, such as career development consultation and visa application assistance. The loan amount provided by the bank may be higher, but it is generally necessary to provide guarantee, and its interest rate and terms may be different. Mpower Financing is a financial service organization headquartered in the United States, which specializes in providing student loans for international students. Since its establishment, Mpower Financing has accumulated a lot of experience and reputation in the field of international student loans, and won many awards and recognition, such as being named the best international student loan institution in 2022 by NerdWallet.
Article 49 of the Contract Law: If the actor has no power of agency, exceeds the power of agency or concludes a contract in the n