However, the working hours and weekend breaks of each branch will be slightly different. You can go to China Construction Bank official website or call 95533 to inquire about the working hours of a certain branch.
Extended data
How to transfer 95533 to manual customer service?
The manual customer service of 95533 has working hours, not 24 hours. It is recommended to call before 9 am and 5 pm. CCB's credit card customer service is 24 hours.
For savings account, dial 95533 and select "1 personal business -0 manual service".
For credit cards, press "No.2" after dialing 95533, and press "0" after the cardholder verifies his identity. After dialing without a card, if you need to enter your ID number or card number, please press # directly. ?
For corporate customers, please dial 95533 and select "3-for-business service". If you need manual help, please press "0" and end with "#".
If you haven't entered the manual service for a long time, it may be that the manual seats were busy at that time. Please redial later.
China Construction Bank-Customer Service