At this time, the loan amount is the sum of your respective loan amounts (not exceeding the prescribed upper limit), and the service life is calculated by the longer party (not exceeding the prescribed upper limit).
On the property certificate, it is also your common name.
When we buy a house, we can have any relationship with the buyer. Mother and son, husband and wife, friends, lovers, even a company and individuals buy together. These have become co-owners of the house. (If companies and individuals buy houses together, they cannot use provident fund loans. )
One problem you should pay attention to is to negotiate a common share, which can be different or the same. Determine the corresponding rights and obligations according to the share in the future.
In addition, when buying a house as a member of two families, you need to consider both spouses and minor children. If they were not married, things would be much simpler.
I hope I can help you! The answer comes from: Baidu real estate exchange group, so stay tuned!
This is well-founded. I'll find you one similar to the case. Although the provisions of the provident fund are slightly different from place to place, they are operable and consistent.