What are the platforms for policy loans?
1 Insurance companies: Many insurance companies provide special loan services. Often when an insurance company applies for a policy loan, it can only apply for the insurance products of that insurance company. Insurance insured in other insurance companies cannot apply for loans in another insurance company. Generally, you can apply through the official WeChat account of the insurance company, or you can apply at the counter of the insurance company's outlets.
Lending institutions: Most insurance companies also have their own cooperative lending institutions. Users can consult insurance companies before applying for mortgage loans. Applications are often made through insurance companies, but lenders are other lenders, not insurance companies.
Bank loan: Some banks also provide policy loan products, and users can apply for loans on the basis of meeting the conditions stipulated by banks.
Policy loans are mortgage loans or pledge loans. Users must consider their repayment ability when applying for loans, and don't lend beyond their ability. If you can't repay on time, it will not only affect the credit information, but also affect the insurance policy.