2. Credit card information. The bank can know how many credit cards the lender has, whether there is overdraft, what is the overdraft limit, and whether there are any special circumstances such as bad debts, freezing and stopping payment through the personal credit report. If the lender has too many credit cards, uses them frequently, has a high overdraft limit, or has the special circumstances mentioned above, it will affect the bank's judgment.
3. Loan situation. The focus is on whether there are outstanding loans, how many loans have been applied for, what is the total amount, and how many loans have not been paid off. If the lender's outstanding loan amount is too large, the bank will think that the loan is risky and worry about the lender's repayment ability, which is likely to reduce the loan amount or refuse the loan. In addition, banks will also look at whether lenders have applied for online loans, cash loans and so on.
4. Overdue situation. Banks are also very concerned about the overdue situation of borrowers. If the lender is overdue for more than six times in the past two years, or fails to repay the loan for more than three months in a row, which is often called "three consecutive loans", the bank will basically refuse the loan.
5, whether the external guarantee. If the borrower guarantees others and there are a large number of secured loans outstanding, the bank may refuse the loan.
6. Public information. Banks mainly look at whether the borrower has a record of being executed by the court, whether there are disputes involving economic events, whether there are records of tax evasion and so on. If the borrower has a record of being executed by the court, the bank will directly refuse the loan.
7. Credit inquiry records
Mainly depends on the number of credit inquiries of borrowers in the past two months. If you ask too many questions, the bank will think that the lender is short of money, the risk is too great, the repayment ability is questioned, and it is easy to refuse the loan.
How to inquire about the credit report
The first is on-site inquiry: with the original valid ID card+copy of ID card+personal credit report application form, go to the local central bank branch and credit information sub-center for inquiry. According to the recent policy, individuals go to the counter to check their credit reports. The first two times are free, and the charge will start from the third time. However, the cost has decreased this year. It used to be in 25 yuan, but now it is 10 yuan.
The second is online inquiry: log in to the central bank's personal credit information service platform, register first, and then fill in your real name and ID number. Generally, you will receive a text message from the system the next day. At this time, you can log in to the website of the personal credit information platform again for inquiry.