Pay attention to the repayment time in advance, and some loans can only be repaid in advance after reaching a certain number of periods; Try to avoid paying prepayment fee or prepayment penalty; If the prepayment is paid off in advance, it is best to apply for a loan repayment certificate after repayment, so that users can continue to handle the follow-up business. When users pay in advance, as long as they pay attention to the above three taboos, they can avoid stepping on the pit and maximize the benefits of prepayment.
For housing loans, the repayment process of banks is as follows:
For example, if you borrow 200,000 yuan and pay back 2,000 yuan every month, the term is 10 year. In the first year, the buyer repays 2,000 yuan per month, and the interest paid back to the bank is 1.300 yuan, while the loan of 1.000 yuan is only deducted from 700 yuan. In other words, most of the 2,000 yuan returned by the buyer pays interest, and only a small part of the real repayment should be less than 40%. In the second year, of the 2,000 yuan repaid each month, the interest is 1 100 yuan, and the real deduction of the lender's loan is 900 yuan. In the third year, the interest of 2000 yuan repaid by the borrower is 900 yuan, and the deducted loan amount is 1 100 yuan. The fourth year, the fifth year and so on. In the sixth and seventh years, the interest on the monthly repayment of 2,000 yuan is very small, generally more than 1 1,000 yuan per month, and the remaining 1 is regarded as the lender's loan by 800 yuan until the loan is paid off.
To sum up, the repayment amount mentioned above is only a metaphor and not accurate. We can see that in the first few years of repayment, most of the lender's money paid interest, and very little money was actually repaid. Therefore, it is unwise for the lender to pay off the loan in advance after four or five years of loan. We can make an analogy. When the lender pays off the loan with the loan term of 65,438+00 years, it has to pay back 280,000 yuan. However, if the lender wants to repay the loan five years in advance, it will have to pay back about 280 thousand in total. After calculating an account, there is basically no benefit or advantage for the lender to repay the loan in advance.
Therefore, lenders are advised not to repay the loan in advance. If the loan must be repaid in advance, the author also suggests that the lender pay it back in the last two or three years. If you repay the loan in advance in the first four years, it will be very ineffective for the lender, because although you have paid back a lot of money, you have only deducted a small part of the money from the lender's loan, and the lender has to pay back more loans. Among them, there is the routine of banks. Remember, what do people eat!