The down payment is the first house payment. What you have to pay is your bank loan, monthly payment and bank interest. It depends on how much you want to borrow and how many years you want to pay it off. Later, you don't want to return it to the developer, but you want to return it to the bank.
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down payment
Down payment is one of the initial economic conditions for buyers to apply for mortgage loans. ? If the buyer can't pay off all the house payment in one lump sum, he needs to apply for a mortgage loan from the bank. At this time, he must prove to the lender that he has the financial ability to repay the loan, that is to say, he can provide cash accounting for 30% or more of the current total house price to prove that he has the ability to repay the loan.
Relatively speaking, the remaining house payment after the down payment is paid jointly by the bank loan and the property buyer, and the lender repays the bank loan and its interest on a monthly basis until all the principal and interest are paid off.
Baidu encyclopedia-down payment (house purchase)