Check whether you have a bad credit record. To put it bluntly, it is to check whether you repay on time every time. If you are often overdue, and even have a record of defaulting on loans so far, you may not pass the bank's audit in the future.
Second, what is the provident fund credit report?
The credit report of the provident fund is mainly inquired by the People's Bank of China, which has personal credit reports of China citizens, mainly information reports on income and consumption.
3. Does the credit report of the People's Bank of Beijing reflect the provident fund loan?
The credit report reflects all your credit records in the bank. Think for yourself.
4. What information can be found in the credit report?
What can I find in my personal credit report? 1. Personal basic information: such as name, gender, ID number, home address, date of birth, work unit, contact number, etc. 2. Credit transaction information, mainly including credit card information. Such as card processing time, bank, repayment status and so on. Loan information, such as mortgage to buy a house, time to buy a car, loan balance, repayment, etc. And vouch for others' information. 3. Other information: such as personal provident fund and pension information. There are also two years of public information and credit information query records, public information, including tax arrears information, telecom arrears records, provident fund records, pension insurance payment records, etc. , are common information records in life. Query records are divided into personal query and institutional query, and each query will show the query reason. So, credit cards are overdue, utilities and gas bills are unpaid, subway tickets are evaded many times, and even red lights are crossed? These seemingly trivial things may become our "small stains" and be recorded in the "personal credit information" system. What's important is that having a bad record may affect our credit card processing, housing loan and so on! : 1. What is a personal credit report? Personal credit report is a report that records everyone's daily use of credit cards and loans to reflect personal credit status. Second, the maintenance method of credit information First of all, when the important information of the lender or credit card holder changes, it is necessary to update the bank information in time. Take credit cards as an example. If the cardholder's billing address and mobile phone number change, go to the bank to modify the address and mobile phone number, you can receive the credit card confirmation letter and statement on time, and you can also receive the bank reminder message in time to ensure the security of the account. If the credit card holder does not have enough funds to repay all the bills and does not want to affect his credit history, he can contact the bank in time and choose to return the minimum repayment amount or handle the installment repayment.