1. First of all, the economic fundamentals of society have not fundamentally improved, and people still tend to control the risk of savings. Generally speaking, the increase in loan behavior is due to a better economic foundation and easier to make money. Only at this time will people be willing to get more income through loans. When they expect to make money by doing nothing, most of them tend to increase their savings more conservatively. Therefore, it can be concluded from the data that residents' pessimistic expectations of the economy have not been lifted.
Secondly, the increase in residents' deposits can also reflect that residents' long-term loans are still sluggish and consumption is still not strong enough, while loans mainly refer to mortgages, and house prices continue to decline, so everyone's desire to buy a house is not strong.
Therefore, it can only be characterized that the trend has begun to improve, but it has not changed substantially, and it is still not suitable for activities such as loan entrepreneurship.