You can get a loan to buy a house if you have a criminal record, but if it is an economic crime, you may be rejected. Generally, bank loans only test credit and repayment ability. Even people with criminal records can get a loan to buy a house as long as they are free persons who have passed the detention period and are not restricted by law.
Required conditions for a loan to buy a house:
1. A local permanent residence or valid residence status is required for a loan to buy a house;
2. A stable career is required for a loan to buy a house. and income;
3. A loan to buy a house requires good credit and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on time;
4. A loan to buy a house requires an asset recognized by the lender as a mortgage or pledge; or When the borrower cannot provide a full mortgage (pledge), a unit or individual recognized by the lender, meeting the prescribed conditions, and having sufficient repayment capacity will act as a guarantor to repay the principal and interest of the loan and bear joint liability;
5. To buy a house with a loan, you need a contract or agreement or relevant approval documents for the purchase of the house;
6. To buy a house with a loan, the price of the house purchased must basically comply with the assessed value of the lender or its designated real estate appraisal agency;
< p>7. If you do not receive a house purchase subsidy with a loan, a deposit or cash of no less than 20% of the total price of the house purchased will be used as the down payment; if you enjoy a house purchase subsidy, you will need to pay 20% of the deposit or cash that you will bear personally. As a down payment for a house purchase;8. A loan to buy a house requires other conditions stipulated by the lending bank.
9. The borrower must have both of the above clauses, and the borrower should guarantee the authenticity and legality of the documents provided. If the lender suffers losses due to the borrower's fault, the borrower shall be liable for compensation.
Legal Basis
Article 675 of the "People's Republic of China and Civil Code" The time limit for the borrower to return the loan The borrower shall repay the loan according to the agreed time limit. If there is no agreement on the loan period or the agreement is unclear, and it cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Law, the borrower may return it at any time; the lender may urge the borrower to return it within a reasonable period of time.
Article 100 of the Criminal Record System of the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of China. Persons who have been criminally punished in accordance with the law shall truthfully report to the relevant units that they have been criminally punished when they join the army or are employed. No concealment allowed. Persons who were under the age of 18 at the time of the crime and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years shall be exempted from the reporting obligations stipulated in the preceding paragraph.