You can apply for a car loan without a credit card. When an individual applies for a car loan at a local bank or auto finance company, he or she does not need to provide a credit card. Therefore, as long as the individual meets the relevant conditions for the car loan, he or she can directly apply for the car loan. \x0d\ However, if an individual wants to apply for a credit card installment purchase of a car, he or she needs a credit card to do so. To apply for a credit card installment car purchase, you need a credit card from a bank partnered with the car merchant, and the applicant needs to prepare a down payment of no less than 30% of the total price of the car purchased. \x0d\ So, whether you want to apply for a car loan to buy a car, or you want to apply for a credit card installment plan to buy a car, you can still apply for one even if you don't have a credit card at the moment. Before you take out a loan to buy a car, you can consult your local lending institution to learn about the relevant requirements for a car loan based on your personal situation. \x0d\ In addition, after successfully obtaining a loan, the borrower must remember to repay the loan in full and on time every month. Otherwise, overdue payments will have a serious impact on the borrower's credit record.