1. Pay in time. When the money in the lender's repayment card is not enough to deduct the loan amount+principal, resulting in the deduction from the banking system, a little less money is deducted. In case of overdue, the lender should immediately recharge the repayment card, recharge enough money, and then take the initiative to repay. Or call the bank's customer service phone to inform the situation and let the system deduct money again.
2. Non-malicious overdue lenders can tell banks that they are not malicious overdue, and then ask whether they can issue non-malicious overdue certificates. If the bank agrees, the lender can take the non-malicious overdue certificate to the credit information center of the People's Bank of China and correct the overdue record. However, it should be noted that not all cases can apply for a non-malicious overdue certificate. Generally speaking, the lender can only apply to the bank to issue a non-malicious overdue certificate if loans overdue is caused by force majeure factors such as bankruptcy, serious illness, unemployment and detention. At present, some banks have a grace period for loans. If the lender can make up the remaining arrears in time during the grace period, there will be no loans overdue record in the credit investigation. The above is the related content sharing of "What should I do if the bank loan interest is overdue?" I hope I can help you!