Does interest need to be paid when repaying the principal of a student loan? Student loans are repaid before graduation. You only need to repay the principal. The interest is subsidized by the state and does not need to be repaid. In the first five years after graduation, you can also choose to only repay the interest and not the principal. The repayment date is normal. It is December 20th of each year. On December 15th of each year, the loan interest to be repaid can be deposited into the Alipay account used when applying for the loan. In the last year of the student loan loan period, the repayment date is adjusted to September 20. At this time, all student loans need to be paid off without further delay. The interest settlement date of the loan is December 20 of each year. Borrowing students should deposit the repayable loan interest into the Alipay account registered when applying for the loan within two years after graduation on December 15 of each year. The loan term of a student loan is the academic period plus 15 years, with a maximum of 22 years. The repayment time is very long, and only interest is paid for the first five years. Starting from January 1, 2020, the interest rate of student loans will be reduced by 30 basis points from the market quoted interest rate (LPR) for loans of the same grade in the same period. Compared with before, the interest rate has dropped, which can better reduce the loans of poor students. cost and less repayment pressure. When it comes to repaying the principal of a student loan, do you need to pay interest? If the student's financial situation improves during college, it is not bad to settle the loan early without paying interest. Once the loan is repaid after graduation, interest will need to be calculated.