There are too many loans to buy cars now, and many banks are interest-free, but they choose big banks instead of small financial companies. I have met several, but the loan has been repaid and the mortgage has not been released.
Advantages: convenient, fast and flexible repayment.
Disadvantages: the situation is complicated, and it is necessary to distinguish whether to charge a handling fee and whether to mortgage the property.
Suitable for people: consumers with personal property and stable income.
Second, the views on online lending
Online loans are also becoming a trend. With the advantage of the Internet, all the steps of loan application can be completed without leaving home, including understanding the application conditions of various loans, preparing application materials and submitting loan applications, which can be completed efficiently on the Internet.
The virtual nature of online loan transactions makes it impossible to authenticate the credit status of both borrowers and borrowers, which is prone to fraud and default.
If the online loan is issued on behalf of the online platform, then if the online platform neglects self-discipline, or the internal control procedure fails, or is used by others, there may be cases of fabricating loan information and illegally raising funds.
A large amount of lender information published by online platforms is mostly in the name of "loan company" and "financing company". In fact, financial institutions must be approved by the state to engage in financial services such as credit financing. Those who engage in financial activities without authorization are often punished for "illegal fund-raising", "illegal absorption of public deposits" and disturbing the order of financial management.
Three, enterprise loan credit is valid for several years.
Five years.
If the corporate loan legal person has a bad credit record within 5 years, it will affect the loan review result and it is easy to refuse the loan. When making a loan, you should know the legal person's funds in advance, and the bank will also check the organization code when making a loan.
Enterprise model, in order to enable enterprises to better borrow and repay from banks or financial institutions at prescribed interest rates.