It's true. Generally, loan companies will charge customers a down payment to operate large bank loans, because they will do a lot of things in the early stage of operating loans. The down payment is a waste of time because they are afraid that the loans will be completed or the customers will not want them halfway.
Money is particularly tight this year. Due to personal problems, the bank loan has not come down. Finding Hefei Bunker is a routine. At first, they said that regular bank loans charge two fees, 20,000 handling fee 1 10,000 yuan. Later, they said that your credit information was not good (it was not overdue, but there were many bank loans). Later, they said that the bank had to charge a handling fee of seven thousandths. At that time, they thought about it and said that it would cost five yuan to communicate with the bank. I sat there and heard that every receptionist asked customers to charge a so-called bank account management fee. There's nothing I can do if the money is used up. The difference is 6.8 points. Later, I used my mobile phone to apply for a loan, and used various verification codes for face recognition to apply for various banks. I feel like I'm playing my chance. If I pass, I will charge you money. If I fail, I will say that you have a credit problem. Finally, I handled more than 20 points, saying that another 800 thousand is being handled for me for a week, which is guaranteed to be the same as the bank loan. The normal bank interest on the credit loan of our company is about 3%. Now it's time to repay the loan in the first phase. Sending a message is 360 IOUs, and the interest is one point. It's a loan under personal credit information. The liar routine is too deep. Fortunately, only 200,000 loans can survive. I just think that this kind of online loan company is too hateful. Don't trust third-party loan companies at will.
How to avoid hitting the pit?
1. First, confirm whether the organization you apply for is legal and compliant.
Whether it is a bank or a lending institution, the premise is that it needs legal compliance. It goes without saying that banks are absolutely legal and compliant. As for lending institutions, all institutions engaged in formal lending business have financial licenses, but some companies do not. At this time, you should consider whether it is a small loan company or an intermediary service.
First of all, it depends on the address and scale of the company, whether it is a leather bag company or not, and whether there are industrial and commercial records; Secondly, look at the company's top level, the company's business scope and ability.
2. Is the process reasonable, logical and formal?
Some people always feel that their qualifications are poor, there is no mortgage, banks and formal large institutions will not lend to themselves, and then they are liars. In fact, regardless of the size of the organization, there will be a formal and reasonable loan process.
Check the demand by product, match products by qualification, provide relevant matching materials, wait for preliminary examination, supplementary materials or second review, and wait for loans.
3. Term loans, no upfront costs.
That's the point. There is no charge in the early stage of formal loan, and all the expenses are included in the interest rate or comprehensive interest rate. The loan you apply for can pay interest on a monthly basis, repay the principal and interest at maturity, or equal principal and interest or average capital, but all businesses will not have upfront expenses.
What are the main risks of international loan business? How do banks and financial authorities try to reduce these risks?
There are the following risks:
1。 Credit risk refers to the counterparty's default, dishonesty, non-repayment or overdue in international loans.
2。 Market risk refers to the exchange rate risk involving foreign exchange in international loan business.
3。 Operational risk refers to the possibility of loan losses due to ignorance of the business process of transnational loans or the legal knowledge of the other party in the transaction.
4。 National risk refers to the influence of political, policy and economic changes in the lending country on the borrower's repayment. If a country has a financial crisis, its foreign loans cannot be repaid at all or on time. War and regime change in another country will also lead to national risks.
Avoiding loan risks, reducing the loss of credit funds and improving the economic benefits of banks are the focus of financial work this year. In order to make this work lively and effective, in my humble opinion, three mechanisms should be strengthened.
First of all, strengthening the credit management mechanism is the premise to reduce the loan risk. Mainly strengthen four systems:
(1) Strengthen the loan examination and approval system, conscientiously implement the separation of "three powers" in investigation and approval, and collectively approve large loans. In order to prevent mistakes, we should resolutely put an end to such abnormal phenomena as self-approval and self-loan, personal loan and administrative intervention loan.
(2) Strengthen the loan tracking and inspection system. For a single loan, especially a large loan, it is necessary to track the whole cycle of enterprise capital operation and all links through which funds pass. Its benefits:
First, ensure that enterprise funds can be earmarked to prevent misappropriation;
Second, the use of funds can be implemented, even if the funds are blocked in which link, it is easy to find out so as to take remedial measures in time to avoid and reduce the loss of funds;
(3) Strengthen the system of regular reporting and inspection of enterprise capital operation.
First of all, enterprises are required to submit monthly business statements and analysis reports on time. If they cannot submit them on time, or the figures in the reports are distorted or forged, credit sanctions should be taken.
Second, the credit department regularly checks and verifies the assets and funds of enterprises, at least twice a year, and makes it a system to check and implement, so as to prevent the loss of funds of enterprises.
(4) Strengthen the credit system of "two openness and one supervision". Regularly announce the loan policies, conditions, objects and results to the public.
What are the accounting subjects of listed companies' external secured loans?
1. General loans: accounts payable, loans payable, etc.
2. External secured loans: secured loans payable and secured funds payable.
3. External guarantee receivable: guarantee receivable and deposit receivable.
4. External guarantee fees: management fees, handling fees, consulting fees, etc.
5. Interest income from external guarantee: interest income.
Will the resolution of shareholders' meeting issued by the company's foreign loan be signed by shareholders, which will affect the creditor's rights?
The shareholders' meeting decided that it was ok to sign on behalf of the shareholders. According to the relevant laws and regulations, the agent can submit the power of attorney to the company, attend the shareholders' meeting and exercise the voting rights within the scope of authorization. In addition, the shareholders' meeting shall make minutes of the decisions on the matters discussed, and the minutes shall be kept together with the signature book of the shareholders present and the power of attorney for proxy attendance.
Can trust companies issue loans abroad?
Yes, I can. Trust companies can issue loans to foreign countries. Loan means that banks, credit cooperatives and other institutions lend money to units or individuals who use money, and generally agree on interest and repayment date.
So much for introducing foreign loans.