First of all, if you repay the loan early, you may need to pay a certain penalty. This is because when a bank provides you with a loan, it calculates the interest you need to pay based on a certain interest rate. If you repay your loan early, the bank will lose part of the interest income and may therefore require you to pay a certain penalty. Different banks and loan products may calculate liquidated damages differently. You can consult your bank for relevant regulations.
Secondly, it is legal and reasonable for banks to set repayment thresholds. When banks provide loans to customers, they need to evaluate them based on the customer's credit status, repayment ability and other factors to ensure that the customer can repay on time and reduce risks. In this process, banks can set repayment thresholds and require customers to repay in prescribed ways, such as through designated bank cards, repaying within a designated time, etc. These regulations are designed to protect the rights and interests of banks, while also helping customers establish a good credit record and obtain better loan conditions.
In short, if you are considering repaying your loan early, it is recommended to first understand the relevant liquidated damages and handling fees, and consult the bank about the relevant regulations. At the same time, complying with the bank's repayment regulations and repaying on time can establish a good credit record and obtain better conditions for future loan applications.