If it is a loan, it will take some time to go through the formalities, and the seller needs to wait, but he can't get all the house payment at once (only the buyer will pay the down payment into the account first, and the down payment will be frozen by the bank). After the buyer has gone through all the loan procedures (it takes one month for commercial loans and three months for provident fund or portfolio loans), both parties can go to the bank to unfreeze, and then the seller can get the money.
Of course, as a seller, you definitely want to get the money early, and cash is the best.
Another possibility is that there may be some problems in the house, such as quality problems and property management fees. Therefore, no matter which payment method, as a buyer, you must wait until all the procedures are completed before you can pay. In this sense, paying cash is risky for the buyer, because once the money is paid, the seller may not cooperate with you if there is a problem.