Banks should review and evaluate the monthly repayment credit during the loan period. If they can repay on time every month, there is no default, and their personal credit qualifications have no bad records, the bank can shorten the repayment period for them. Shortening the loan period is equivalent to repaying the loan in advance, shortening the loan period and the loan principal.
Extended data:
For the loan extension business, the Notice requires banking financial institutions to effectively manage the whole process of loans, including mastering the information of small and micro enterprises through multiple channels, ensuring that they meet the conditions for issuing new loans, strengthening the internal control of loan extension business, marking the loan extension separately in the credit system, and strengthening post-loan management.
Do a good job in field investigation and customer return visits, dynamically pay attention to the borrower's operation, finance and capital flow, improve the frequency of inspection and evaluation of loan renewal risk classification, and prevent artificial manipulation of loan risk classification.
At the same time, the CBRC requires banking financial institutions to strengthen loan risk management accordingly. Banking financial institutions shall formulate corresponding risk management systems, establish business operation procedures, define customer access and business authorization standards, reasonably design and improve supporting documents such as contracts, and improve information technology systems.
People's Network-China Banking Regulatory Commission-Reasonable loan term to reduce repayment pressure