An empty credit card (credit card) means that 90% or more of the credit card (credit card) limit has been consumed, or the available credit card (credit card) limit is less than 10%. There is no risk in using an empty credit card (credit card), because the available limit of the credit card (credit card) is for the user to use. However, if the card is empty for a long time, it will be suspected of withdrawing cash. At this time, the credit card (debit card) will be subject to bank risk control or even have its balance reduced.
At the same time, when the credit card (credit card) limit is used up and the limit is paid off on the last payment date, when the credit card (debit card) limit is used up with a large amount, the minimum repayment is selected, etc., when such operations are run repeatedly It is also easy to enter the bank's monitoring scope. It is recommended not to swipe a large amount on a credit card (debit card) and delay repayment until the last payment date. It is most appropriate to repay a small amount while swiping.