The credit information is too poor to apply for a car loan, but the personal daily credit is good. You can try to borrow money from relatives and friends, give them an iou, agree on the repayment date, and even settle interest for them. A detective can buy a car in his own name. This is his own car. In this case, most people will be willing to borrow money, but remember to pay it back on time in the future so as not to damage their social image.
2. Find an auto financing company to handle auto loans.
If you apply for a car loan in a bank, the bank has relatively strict credit requirements for the loan applicant. At this time, you can consider looking for an auto financing company to apply for a car loan. The requirements for credit reporting are not so strict. Generally, you can apply if you have a work certificate. Detective can buy a car quickly and get a license quickly: provide one-stop car purchase service. However, the loan interest rate may be relatively unfavorable, and borrowers need to measure it themselves.
3. Increase loan collateral
If the credit fails, the vehicle mortgage can't get the car loan. You can consider adding collateral, such as adding real estate as collateral. In this case, the borrower's overdue cost will be high, the willingness to repay will be stronger, and the probability of applying for a car loan will be greater. It's very reliable for detectives to buy cars.
Poor credit information, in order to improve the loan success rate, loan applicants need to prove their repayment ability, and can also provide more asset certificates to show their repayment strength.
As for how to buy a car without credit information, I believe everyone knows fairly well. It's really a black account. Don't think about loans, try to buy a car in other ways.