2. Choose the loan method, which is generally divided into "equal principal and interest" and "equal principal and interest". The average capital has a fixed monthly repayment amount, but the monthly interest is gradually decreasing. Matching principal and interest means that the monthly repayment amount is the same, but the principal and interest ratio of monthly repayment is different.
3. Enter the loan amount, loan term, loan interest rate and other information. Among them, the loan interest rate is generally the provident fund loan interest rate, which can be inquired at the local provident fund management center or related banks.
4. Click the "Calculate" button, and the calculator will automatically calculate the loan repayment plan, monthly repayment amount, total repayment amount, loan interest and other information according to the input information.
5. Adjust and compare according to the calculation results. You can compare the advantages and disadvantages of different loan methods and interest rates according to your actual situation, and choose the most suitable loan scheme.