1. Good credit investigation can also reduce the loan cost. From practical experience, it is not that people with poor credit information cannot apply for loans, but the cost may be higher. Although many non-bank financial institutions have lower credit requirements for applicants than banks, their fees may be higher.
When individuals with good credit information apply for loans or credit cards from banks, the whole application process will be smoother. At present, when customers apply for loans or credit cards, banks will ask customers to provide their own credit reports, and those with poor credit information are easily rejected by banks.
3. Banks generally offer various discounts to applicants with good credit information. If the applicant's credit rating is generally poor, these offers will be cancelled. A good credit investigation is equivalent to having "credit collateral". Banks are more at ease when issuing loans or credit cards, and will not worry about their financial risks.
When applying for a loan, a good personal credit reference will fully show its advantages, because having a good personal credit reference will have a great chance to get a loan.