Personal loan requires my consent, and the lender needs to verify the true identity of the lender, otherwise it is an illegal loan. You can't do any banking business, including credit cards and loans, just by relying on ID information.
For businesses that need an ID card, the ID card is generally checked, and the salesperson who asked me to handle it is responsible for checking the ID card.
In the process of credit card processing, we must implement the "three relatives" system, that is, personally see the applicant, personally check the original identity card of the applicant, and personally see the applicant's signature. As long as the bank personnel implement the system, only my ID card is not allowed to apply for loans.
Data expansion
Interim Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans Article 41 Where a lender handles personal loan business in violation of these measures, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall order it to make corrections within a time limit. Under any of the following circumstances, the China Banking Regulatory Commission may take the regulatory measures stipulated in Article 37 of the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China:
(1) Failing to investigate and review the loan due diligence;
(2) Failing to establish and implement the system of loan interview and loan contract face-to-face signing as required;
(3) The terms of the loan contract have not been publicized;
(four) in violation of the provisions of article twenty-seventh;
(five) payment management does not meet the requirements of these measures.