No matter what reason you borrow money with your ID card, as long as you sign a loan agreement with the lender, you are the borrower and the person who has a loan relationship with the lender. According to the relativity of the contract, you have the obligation to repay in full and on time as agreed, and the other party has the right to ask you to repay through judicial channels.
It's just that you can keep the evidence related to your repayment on behalf of the company in this process in order to recover it.
Consumer loans to buy a car must pay attention to three points:
First, after enjoying the "zero-interest-free loan" of the merchants, can you still enjoy the preferential price of the car?
Secondly, the car loan fee in the market a few days ago was in the range of 4%~7.5%, whether it was interest-free and fee-added;
Third, the general car purchase interest rate is charged according to the bank benchmark interest rate. Regardless of whether the handling fee is unavoidable, the interest is floating on the basis of the bank's benchmark interest rate. At the same time, due to the choice of loans, new car insurance must be "fully insured", which will result in a large premium expenditure.